Using Snagit in a Virtual Environment


Is Snagit supported in virtual environments?


Various versions of Snagit are supported in virtual environments (see bullet points below). Snagit is Citrix Certified. When running Snagit in a virtual environment, a software key must be purchased for each user that will have access to the software at any time. For more information on licensing options, please contact our Sales team.

Snagit is supported via the following technologies:

  • Remote Desktop (Terminal services)
  • Streamed applications 
  • Published/Hosted Desktops (Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop)**

Snagit as a Published/Hosted Application

It is possible to install Snagit as a hosted/published application. However, in this environment Snagit will only be able to capture the hosted environment and will not be able to capture the client screen. Common behavior in these scenarios is that Snagit will start on the client, yet when trying to capture a non-hosted application, Snagit will crash. Or, the desktop of the hosted server may be visible behind the Snagit window. When initiating a capture, the host (server) desktop is shown.