- Download Camtasia Mac DMG from here
- Go to this location: /Users/Shared/TechSmith/Camtasia/
- Inside of the Camtasia folder, create a text file named: LicenseKey We recommend using TextEdit and making sure these settings are checked in TextEdit before creating the text file. Once those settings are changed in TextEdit, close TextEdit completely and re-open it to create the text file. Do NOT put the .txt extension in the filename or allow a .txt extension to automatically be added to the file name. Make sure it is saved with UTF-8 Plain Text Encoding. See examples below:
- Deploy that text file to all your users. *Make sure the users have read and write access to the entire Users folder structure. You can try it without write access if your environment is setup that way.
- Once they load Camtasia for the first time, it will read the license key and unlock Camtasia.
- (For Camtasia 2022.Install the System Audio Component for End Users who may not have permission to do so:
- The binary is located at Camtasia 2022.app/Contents/Resources/aceinstaller
- Run the following command: sudo ./aceinstaller install
Change the year depending on which version of Camtasia you are using.
Note: These settings work on the latest version of Camtasia Mac
Disable Asset Service
- Disables the asset store integration.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableAssetSearch -bool YES
- Disables the asset store integration.
Disable Quizzing
- This lets you turn off the ability to create Quizzes
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableQuizzingSupport -bool YES
- This lets you turn off the ability to create Quizzes
Disable Sign In Requirement
- This lets you turn off the TechSmith sign-in requirement.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableSigninRequirement -bool YES
- This lets you turn off the TechSmith sign-in requirement.
Hide License Info
- Hides references to the license key, registration info, and deactivation options.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 HideRegistrationKey -bool YES
- Hides references to the license key, registration info, and deactivation options.
Disable Automatic Updates
- Disables the ability to have automatic updates installed.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableAutomaticUpdates -bool YES
- Disables the ability to have automatic updates installed.
Disable Automatic Check for Updates
- Diables automatic check for updates.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableAutomaticUpdateChecks -bool YES
- Diables automatic check for updates.
Disable Outside Share Destinations (2023.3.16 and Later)
- Diables the ability to share to other locations; this does not disable local file export.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableNetworkExports -bool YES
- Diables the ability to share to other locations; this does not disable local file export.
Turn Off Analytics Tracking
- This lets you turn off the analytics tracking
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 DisableEventTracking -bool YES
Turn Off Cafinate for Export
- This lets you disable Caffeinate during export.
Example:defaults write com.TechSmith.camtasia2024 CMACFSCaffeinateExport -bool NO
- This lets you disable Caffeinate during export.
- This lets you turn off the analytics tracking