Resetting My TechSmith Account Password

If you need to reset your TechSmith password:

  1. Visit
  2. If signed in, select Manage account (icon_gears.png) > Reset password.


    Otherwise, in the sign-in form, enter your email and select Continue.
    Then select Forgot password.


  3. Go to your email inbox. Use the Reset Your Password email to set a new password.


    Having trouble finding our emails? Make sure to check your spam folder!

    If you still haven't received an email, please contact your IT department to have them look at delivered, but spam-marked emails from

    Password reset emails will come from either  or 

  4. If you are signed in to any TechSmith products or services (Snagit, Camtasia, Screencast), please sign out, and then sign in again with the new password.


If you need additional assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team.



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