Installing an Older Version of Snagit


How do I install a previous version of Snagit on my computer?


It is possible to have multiple major versions of Snagit installed at the same time such as having Snagit 12 and Snagit 13 on your computer. However, it is not possible to have multiple minor versions of Snagit installed at the same time on the same machine, such as having Snagit 12.1 and Snagit 12.2.

If you need to install a previous version of Snagit, please follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall all versions of Snagit from your machine. Make sure you have a copy of your license key's and backup any captures taken before uninstalling.


    Need help backing up your Library? Please review this article.
    Need help finding your key? Please review our License FAQ's page.

  2. Reboot the computer.
  3. Download the version of Snagit you wish to install from the Downloads Page. If installing multiple versions, install them in order, beginning with the lowest version. For example, install version 12 and then version 13, rather than version 13 and then 12.