If after placing an order through our sales team, you have an unpaid invoice, you can view the following hints at manage.techsmith.com.
You may have an unpaid invoice in these cases:
You made a purchase with a purchase order. Your payment is expected within 30 days after the purchase. At manage.techsmith.com > Direct orders > Invoices > Unpaid invoices, you can view the exact Due date by which you need to submit the payment. You can pay with a check, wire transfer, or credit card. See this support article. If an invoice is overdue (not paid until the due date), you may lose access to the product, and your account for direct orders may be blocked to prevent new purchases. |
Your subscription was auto-renewed but the credit card payment failed. At manage.techsmith.com > Direct orders > Invoices > Unpaid invoices, you can view the due date which matches the date when your subscription was auto-renewed. Please pay the invoice as soon as possible. See this support article. Otherwise, your subscription may be canceled, and end users may lose access to the product. |
If you have any questions, please submit a ticket.