(Multi-Seat Subscriptions) Cancelations and Returns

At manage.techsmith.com, you can view and manage your Direct orders (multi-seat subscriptions purchased via the sales team) for these cloud products:

video review icon Video Review assets for snagit icon TechSmith Assets for Snagit
knowmia pro icon TechSmith Knowmia Pro assets for camtasia icon TechSmith Assets for Camtasia
audiate icon TechSmith Audiate logo_screencast.png Screencast Pro

We are sorry if any of our products did not meet your needs. Depending on which portion of your multi-seat subscription you need to cancel or return, please proceed as explained below.

diagram that summarizes all the available return and cancelation options. Each of these options is explained in detail below

If you are returning or canceling your Knowmia Pro subscription, please take a look at our content deletion policy: Knowmia FAQ or TechSmith Screencast Content Deletion Policy FAQ.


This option may be useful if the number of people who need the product is smaller than the number of purchased seats. For example, due to team reduction, you may want to return two out of seven Assets for Snagit seats.

To return some seats of a product now:

  1. Visit manage.techsmith.com and sign in to your TechSmith account.
  2. Select Seats.
  3. (If you have multiple subscriptions) In the subscription selector, click the multi-seat subscription that contains the product seats which you would like to return.
    on the seats page, use the subscription selector to view all the subscriptions for which you are an owner or seat manager
  4. Revoke the assignments for the seats that you would like to return.
    For example, if you would like to return two Assets for Camtasia seats, you need to have these two seats Available. Therefore, you need to revoke one seat assignment. See (Multi-Seat Subscriptions) Assign and Revoke Seats.
    on the seats page, for each product, you can view the number of available seats, and you can revoke the assigned seats, so that they become available
  5. Check if you are entitled to a refund. See the When do I get a refund? section in this article.
  6. Fill out a return request.

After the Sales team returns the seats on your behalf:

  • On the subscription page, the number of total seats is updated. In our example, two out of four Assets for Camtasia seats were returned, so two seats remain.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, for each product, you can view the updated number of available and assigned seats
  • The Product updated event appears in Direct ordersHistory.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, for each product, you can view the updated number of available and assigned seats
  • We do not send any email notifications to you or the users whose seats were revoked.

This option may be useful if the purchased product is not meeting your needs.

To return all seats of a product now:

  1. Check if you are entitled to a refund. See the When do I get a refund? section in this article.
  2. Fill out a return request.

After the Sales team returns the product on your behalf:

  • On the subscription page, the product details disappear.
  • Users who had product seats assigned cannot access the product anymore.
  • The Product canceled event appears in Direct ordersHistory.
    in direct orders, in the subscription history, you can view the product canceled event. If you expand it, you can view the product name
  • Email notification is sent to your shipping email address.

This option may be useful if all the products purchased within a multi-seat subscription are not meeting your needs.

To return the entire multi-seat subscription (all seats of all products) now:

  1. Check if you are entitled to a refund. See the When do I get a refund? section in this article.
  2. Fill out a return request.

After the Sales team returns the entire multi-seat subscription on your behalf:

  • If this was your last active multi-seat subscription, in Direct ordersSubscriptions, the following message appears: “Product subscriptions will appear here”.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, you can view a message saying that product subscription will appear here; to get a subscription, please contact the Sales team at techsmith.com/contact.html
  • If you have other active multi-seat subscriptions, in Direct ordersSubscriptions, the returned subscription is listed as inactive in the subscription selector.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, use the subscription selector to view all the subscriptions that you own
  • Users who had product seats assigned cannot access the products anymore.
  • The Subscription canceled event appears in Direct ordersHistory.
    in direct orders, in the subscription history, you can view the subscription canceled event. If you expand it, you can view the returned products
  • Email notification is sent to your billing email address.


This option may be useful if you would like to renew your multi-seat subscription with a smaller number of product seats. Please fill out a return request.

This option may be useful if you do not intend to renew a product in your multi-seat subscription.

After you cancel renewal for a product, it will remain active and available for assigned users until the end of the current billing month or year. After this, the product will be removed from the subscription.

To cancel renewal for a multi-seat product:

  1. Visit manage.techsmith.com and sign in to your TechSmith account.
  2. Select Direct orders.
  3. (If you have multiple subscriptions) In the subscription selector, click the subscription that contains the product for which you would like to cancel renewal.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, use the subscription selector to view all the subscriptions that you own
  4. Locate the product for which you need to cancel renewal. The product will stay active until the date shown in the Renewal section (in this example, September 20, 2022).
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, in the renewal section, you can view the renewal date (same as the date on which current billing period ends)
  5. From the product menu (product menu icon), select Cancel product.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, in the product menu, you can select the option to cancel product
  6. Confirm that you need to cancel renewal for the product. The cancelation cannot be undone.
    a confirmation dialog opens, saying that the product will stay active until the end of the current billing period. After this, it will be automatically canceled, and all seats will be revoked

After you cancel renewal for a product:

  • Users with assigned product seats can continue the use of the product until the current billing month or year ends (in this example, September 20, 2022). On this date, the product will be removed from your multi-seat subscription, and all seat assignments will be revoked.
    in direct orders, on the subscription page, in the product card, you can view a hint that the product is canceled and will be removed at the end of the current billing period
  • The Product canceled event appears in Direct ordersHistory.

    The Date next to the Product canceled event shows the date when the product renewal was canceled (for example, September 23, 2021). However, the canceled product and all seat assignments remain active until the end of the current billing month or year (for example, September 20, 2022).

  • Email notification is sent to your shipping email address.
  • If auto-renewal is turned on for your multi-seat subscription, turn it off. You will not be charged again for this subscription. See (Multi-Seat Subscriptions) Auto-Renewal.
  • If auto-renewal is turned off or unavailable for your multi-seat subscription, it will expire at the end of the current billing month or year. You can renew the subscription manually during a 60-day period (30 days before and after the expiration date). See (Multi-Seat Subscriptions) About Renewals.

Frequently Asked Questions

If instead of the Cancel product option, you have the Remove product option, your multi-seat subscription expired.

You can remove the product to hide the product details and renew your subscription without this product. See (Multi-Seat Subscriptions) Expiration and Renewal.

in direct orders, on the subscription page, in the product menu, you can view the option to remove product, and the option to cancel product is not there

In Direct orders > subscription selector, you can view your inactive multi-seat subscriptions:

  • Subscriptions that expired 31+ days ago.
  • Subscriptions that were canceled.

in direct orders, on the subscription page, use the subscription selector to view all the subscriptions that you own, including inactive ones

There is no possibility to view the details of an inactive subscription. However, you can find the related events and transactions in Direct orders > HistoryPayments, and Invoices.

If based on the TechSmith Return Policy, you are entitled to a refund for the returned product seats, you should receive it within 3–5 business days. In some cases, it may take longer, for example, if the credit card that was used to make the purchase expired, or if you chose to receive the refund via a check or wire transfer.

After your refund for a multi-seat purchase is processed:

  • Email notification is sent to your billing email address.
  • The refund details appear in Direct orders > Payments.
    in direct orders, on the payments page, you can view the following refund information: refund ID, payment ID, refund amount, status, method (credit card, check, or ACH), and refund date

If the refund Method is Credit card, the refund is transferred to the credit card that was used to make the payment, even if this credit card is not set as primary or was unlinked from your account for multi-seat subscriptions. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team.

If you are looking for information about a canceled account, see the Why is my account canceled? section in a different article.

This help topic is for Assets for Camtasia, Assets for Snagit, Audiate, Knowmia Pro, Screencast Pro, and Video Review.

If you are looking for information about Camtasia, Knowmia Enterprise, Snagit, or our other products, please visit our help center.


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